D2L Poll Results

So far there are 125 responses to the informal poll about whether we should start the process now to review IMS platforms for the MnSCU system. Basically the question was should we start a process now that might result in replacing D2L at the end of the five-year contract or wait it out a while longer before starting the process. Of course the other possible outcome of starting a process now is that D2L again be selected as the best available IMS for the system in which case we would likely negotiate a new long-term deal.

We are able to wait longer if desired since we have a series of five one-year contract extensions available that can turn the five-year contract into as much as a ten-year contract, or anywhere in between. Those contract extensions might also be valuable in delaying a new long-term contract which will almost certainly be at a higher annual cost than the current contract.

The poll results are as follows:
79 out of 125, or 63% say we should wait longer before starting the review process.
46 out of 125, or 37% say we should start the review process now.

My personal take on this is as follows: I want to get D2L version 8.x installed and operational before we start making any decisions about our future with or without D2L. If it fulfills all the promises that are being touted for it, then I will likely not be interested in looking at other possible platforms. If however, version 8 doesn't live up to the hype, then I will most certainly be tired of waiting for "the next version, next release, next patch, next whatever" and will be ready to look to other possibilities for the future. I hope to be wowed by version 8. I also hope that we get to see it during my lifetime.


Anonymous said…
I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.

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