Online Students Advisory Committee

There are about a dozen online students participating in a short-term advisory committee with me inside D2L. Over the next month we are holding online discussions about 3 or 4 different questions each week. Their input during week one has been tremendous. Here are a couple of examples of their posts:

Regarding end-of-term evaluations, one suggestion is:
“Perhaps be as basic as possible. The first question is 'Are you satisfied overall with the class, material and instructor'. If not, then please look below and mark the areas of problems (with a list of areas similar to what the normal survey contains). If there are areas you feel were above your expectations, please mark those below also.”

Regarding the online tutoring service provided to LSC students:
“I think discussion between fellow students is one of the most often used sources for help in a class, as well as direct questions to the instructor. I have never been in a situation where that assistance was not adequate enough to help me solve any problem I might have with an assignment. I also agree with an earlier posting, if instructors advertised the (tutoring) service to the students, it may be more widely used.”

Tags: online students student advisory LSC Online online tutoring course evaluations


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