MnOnline Chair
My one-year stint as Chair of the MnOnline Council begins July 1. Already I'm beginning to think that this is going to be a colossal mistake. My tendency is to speak frankly and try to tackle issues head-on. It is my opinion that this is not a style that is acceptable within the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities. Already I am hearing rumblings that certain people feel the need to squelch my expression of opinions. That is sad, but not surprising. One of the books I'm reading now should be required reading for all higher ed adminstrators. The Cluetrain Manifesto is a brilliantly written treatise on how old-fashioned corporate-speak has no legitimate place in today's society. Here's a quoted passage that speaks to me in my current situation of not being able to tell the truth about what is going on and instead feeling pressure to always speak the "party line." It's taken from pages 66-67 of the book: "Companies will survive employees telling t...