First Morning at D2L Conference

I've been looking over the D2L Conference schedule (checking out the competition) and have found some interesting options for the first morning. After the opening keynote by Dr. Ruth Clark, the first round of sessions (10:15-11:15) are all D2L-led sessions focusing on various aspects of the product line, such as: Accessibility Learning Object Repository (LOR) Overview of Liveroom and Learning Repository Objective Based Learning with Desire2Learn Groups & Sections The next round of sessions (11:30-12:30) are all user-led sessions. At this time I will be presenting a new version of my most popular workshop, Web 2.0 Whirlwind. This time it is titled Web 2.0 Whirlwind Inside Desire2Learn. The main difference is that I am showing how the Web 2.0 tools can be used by both faculty and students inside D2L Content areas, as well as News, Discussions, and possibly other areas within a D2L course. Some of the free web-based tools that I will be showing include: Zoho Writer MeeboMe Slid...