E-Learning the Big Loser at FSU

There's somewhere in the vicinity of 25 football players and at least one tutor and one academic advisor who are losers in the cheating scandal at Florida State University (FSU). Chances are also good that the FSU football team will lose to Kentucky in their lower-tier bowl game coming up at the end of the month . However, I think the biggest loser in all of this is going to be e-Learning in general. (CC Flickr photo by Matthew Stinson is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0 ) Of course they just had to have cheated on tests in an online course. In our one-size fits all world, that means everyone will be talking about how easy it is to cheat in online courses, as if cheating is somehow unique in online courses or more rampant than in other forms of higher education. I don't believe that, but many people do believe it and they will now have more ammunition as they talk negatively about e-Learning. As I have read the somewhat sketchy (not very detailed) stories on the Internet a...