
Showing posts from August, 2009

Setting Expectations - Jeannette Campos #1

As mentioned in the previous post , we will be formalizing a list of expectations regarding online learning at Lake Superior College. I also mentioned a guest blogger who gave me lots of useful input about this project based upon her experiences in online learning. Jeannette Campos is the guest blogger. Jeannette teaches instructional systems development in the graduate program at UMBC , at The National Labor College and to agencies within the Department of Defense . She hosts a blog, From the Fox Hole , and she owns and operates a business with her husband, Carlos, called Fox Trot 6 (FT6). FT6 is a service-disabled veteran owned small business specializing in the design of learning solutions for non-profit, higher education, commercial and government agencies. FT6 specializes in instructional systems design, training and development, instructional technology and workplace learning. Jeannette and I became connected through Twitter . In this first guest post she draws on her e...

Setting Expectations for Online Learning

One of the major projects during the upcoming academic year at Lake Superior College will be to develop several lists of expectations regarding online learning. This is our thirteenth year of offering online courses and programs and we have always preached certain things about how to teach online and how to learn online. However, we have never had a written list of what those expectations are. So, anyone who wasn't in the room when we were talking about these things probably never actually heard our expectations. This is a problem particularly when we bring in a new online faculty member and they might not get all the information that the long-term faculty have heard time and time again. For example, we have always had the expectation that our online courses will NOT be electronic versions of independent study (also called e-correspondence courses). We expect faculty members to plan for and design into their courses a great deal of interaction - including student-to-student and stu...

Test Proctoring - Part Two

Yesterday I posted the first installment about an email exchange on the MnSCU Deans list about test proctoring for online students. This is another reply received on that thread. -------------------- As of this fall '09, (a college) is not testing our own online students in the on campus Testing Center due to space and proctoring personnel limitations. Consequently we will not be testing online students from any other campus either. ------------------- To which I replied with the following: ------------------- It's me again. Something that (colleague) said triggered a thought that I should have put into the first email. At LSC, we have NEVER had a policy of providing an exam proctoring service on-campus for students taking LSC online classes from us. Just like faculty who teach in the classroom, if an online faculty member wants to give a proctored exam, then that faculty member is expected to make arrangements for a space and time on campus when he/she will proctor (probab...

Test Proctoring for Minnesota Online

The question shown below was sent to the MnSCU Deans list this morning at the start of the Fall 2009 semester. ------------------------- Colleagues, We are receiving more and more request for proctoring, some of them from students at four-year institutions. What is your policy with respect to proctoring examinations for students taking online courses from other institutions? ------------------------- My answer to the list appears below. I decided to post it to the blog so that I can simply point to it in the future when this question comes up again. ------------------------- Never a dull moment when it comes to test proctoring for online students. This question comes up several times each year. Gary gets the prize for being the first one to ask during the fall term. All MnSCU schools are part of Minnesota Online. As members, all are expected to provide test proctoring for local students taking online classes from other MnSCU students. In return, your distance students who live in othe...

Twubs = Twitter Hub

I've been working on developing a Twub (Twitter Hub) for use at EAT-IT 09 on Aug 12-13 at Inver Hills CC. One feature is the ability to embed the Twub info on any webpage, so here is an embed of the Twub. Just experimenting. The best experience will be to go to the actual Twub . <a href="">#eatit09</a>