Twittering about D2L and Blackboard

I usually keep an eye on a Twitter search looking for posts that have something to do with D2L . The beginning of the semester is always interesting, especially as students are posting their unfiltered thoughts about school, online courses, professors, D2L, and lots of other things. Here are some examples. I'll leave out their Twitter names since I don't know these people. Dear D2L though my college, please fix yourself so I can take quizzes on Firefox. THANK YOU! Love, Cissa trust me, everything you click on d2l... and the time u spend on each "page" they cn see.... 71 unread discussions on D2L? CRAP! I was only gone for one weekend! In class with a professor that doesn't know how to work the internets and d2l. Maybe he should use the googles. ocu's desire2learn has to be the shi**iest web page ever. period. well, aside from the other ocu web pages. Online classes start today. Not liking their new D2L system. Go to a "Laptop Campus"...should ALL of ...