D2L is no longer a startup

This post is probably not very important (are they ever?). But I felt compelled to point out a few facts about Desire2Learn. This compelsion (that's a Barney Fife word ) was fueled by recent news articles about D2L, like this one: The Globe and Mail published this article about a new COO at D2L. Notice in the headline that they call D2L a "startup." I'm not sure why they choose to use that term. How long exactly is a company called a startup? D2L was founded in 1999. I guess that means that they'll be celebrating 13 years in business sometime this year. They currently have more than 600 clients and six million users. There are nearly 400 D2L employees located around the globe. I have personally been a part of the D2L user community for over 8 years. Doesn't feel like a startup to me.