ITC eLearning 2009 - Proposals Being Accepted

The annual ITC eLearning 2009 Conference planning committee is in full gear. Every year that I have attended this conference has been better than the previous year, and I expect this year to be no exception. As a board member of the Instructional Technology Council, you would likely expect that I am biased in that respect, which is probably true. However, it is because of the quality of the conference and the people involved that I even wanted to join the board in the first place. The conference is scheduled for February 21-24 at the Portland Hilton and Executive Tower in Portland, Oregon. Pre-conference workshops will be held on Saturday, February 21 with the main conference kicking off Sunday, Feb. 22. I'll be hosting two pre-conference workshops : The Basics of Blogs, Wikis, and RSS - morning session Using Web 2.0 Tools inside your Virtual Learning Environment - afternoon The proposal deadline is Friday, October 10, 2008. Because we use a Moodle installation for the ITC websit...