These Buttons are Worthless Now

Remember when D2L was fighting the good fight? My single biggest disappointment (at least professionally) in 2009 was when D2L decided to make peace and lie down with the devil. That warm fuzzy feeling for me is all gone now. That's a shame.

Partnering with Blackbeard? That's a much bigger shame.

And what the hell is going on with the USPTO re-examination of that stupid patent? Is that no longer an issue? It is for me.


Hardball8 said…
I'm with you Barry. I'd like to hear an update from someone...somewhere? Who really owns what and who says so?
Jeff Bohrer said…
I too am quite curious about the status of the patent re-examination request made by the Software Freedom Law Center in 2006. I assume that this re-examination process would not be affected by the 2009 settlement reached between Bb and D2L.

One would assume that all legal proceedings that were in process are now moot including:
- Various Blackboard lawsuits against D2L in East Texas federal court
- Blackboard's complaint against D2L with the US ITC
- Blackboard's patent infringement suit against D2L in Canadian courts
- Desire2Learn vs. Blackboard in Maryland federal court
Jeff Bohrer said…
Regarding the patent re-exam process, I should have also mentioned what is known: that the USPTO rejected all 44 original claims in April 2009. I'm curious about the status of Blackboard's appeals and, more importantly, the long-term effects of this edupatent.

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