No New Posts or Comments

This will likely be the last post at Desire2Blog, at least as it is currently configured and at this address. Maybe there will be a new and different version of D2B in the future - maybe not. As such, no new comments will be accepted for publication on the blog, because 1) I no longer care to moderate them, and 2) because one person can only be called an @$$hat and jackhole so many times (on a 4 year old post that I no longer care about) before they choose to ignore the whole thing.
It was fun for quite a while. The site will remain here as long as I have some control over that option, but I might get hit by a bus tomorrow (Hurray! That jackhole deserves it!!), in which case all bets are off.
A few stats: 1st post was on March 16, 2006 - a total of 360 posts were made - about 200,000 page views over 6 years - six of the top 10 posts (most views) have the word "Blackboard" in the title.