e-Learning Mythbusters Keynote

On Friday (10/12) I had my first opportunity to deliver a keynote address. The topic was e-Learning Mythbusters and the audience was the ETOM group: Educational Teleconsortium of Michigan. Prior to the conference I had gathered a list of 36 potential myths about e-learning. I knew that there were some that I was forgetting about, and sure enough I was reminded of two more right away early in the day. These two are things that I have actually ranted and raved about previously, so it just provides further evidence of the fact that I have an increasingly weak memory.

Overall it went pretty well, but I have already made about a dozen significant edits to the presentation and also to the clicker questions that go along with it. The clicker questions are fun, but I think they need to be tightened up significantly to increase effectiveness. I am also busy analyzing the wheat and separating it from the chaff. There is no point in having a list of 38 things when you only have time to get through 12-15 of them. It makes you look disorganized (or possibly not grounded in reality), which is not the best look for a presenter.

All in all, it was a good dress rehearsal for the next time I give this presentation, which right now appears to be the opening keynote for the ITC e-Learning 2008 conference in beautiful St. Petersburg. The ETOM group was a lot of fun and the sessions throughout the day were well done and informative. Best part of all was getting to meet a bunch of really nice people and dedicated professionals. Special thanks to my friend Ronda for making this happen.


Mike Condon said…
Hey Barry -

"evidence of the fact that I have an increasingly weak memory."

Google "outboard brain" - Cory Doctorow's coinage, I believe.

I like the metaphor's boating allusions ... missin' the lakes, doncha knooow?

Barry Dahl said…
Oh I know what you mean Mike/Frankie. The lakes are missin' you too!

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