Desire2Believe in a Non-Final Action
I've been traveling for the past two days so I'm a little late to the party. But I'm here now! Wow, that was fast! Just when I was totally losing faith in our systems of justice and government for about the fifth time in my life; things changed. In the blink of an eye, against all predictions about how long the insanity would drag on – BAM, things changed. Of course I’m talking about Blackboard versus Desire2Learn patent debacle. What was I losing faith in, you ask? 1) The USPTO (and most of the rest of the Federal government, especially the Bush part) for their gross negligence in granting the patent in the first place. Sure they’re understaffed. Sure they’re underpaid (okay, maybe not). Sure, they can’t possibly check every detail about whether a patent application has a peg leg to stand on (Blackbeard reference, in case you missed it). But how can they issue a patent without at least checking with some industry experts who could have given them a clue that they so despe...