Desire2Pod Cast 17 - ePortfolio Tool #2

This is a recording of a phone interview I conducted with Kenneth Chapman of D2L. Kenneth is the lead product developer for the D2L Virtual Learning Environment. We talk about the features of the new Desire2Learn ePortfolio tool.

Some of the topics covered include:

  • General idea of an electronic portfolio
  • Features of the new D2L ePortfolio tool
  • Why build one rather than use existing tools
  • Integration possibilities between D2L VLE and ePortfolio
  • Client planning prior to implementing the tool
  • Plans for future development
  • When will it be available for viewing and use


Sean said…
The ideas discussed in this podcast mirror a lot of the thinking going on in the Open Source Portfolio, particularly along the lines of the opportunities for integration between the courseware and portfolio sides of things. Nice interview.

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