Desire2Pod Cast 16: D2L ePortfolio

This is a recording of a phone interview I conducted with Deb Homuth, principal of the Ontario Virtual High School in Canada. Deb was a consultant/advisor for the D2L development team while they were designing and building their ePortfolio tool. It's about 16 minutes long.

From their March 13 press release: "Desire2Learn Inc., today unveils ePortolio, a much anticipated new product that enables users to track, record, and reflect upon their progress from K-12, to post-secondary education and beyond. An ePortfolio is a digital repository of artifacts that demonstrates progress and achievement. Pairing social networking and informal learning with the traditional classroom, Desire2Learn ePortfolio provides users and institutions with a customized and personalized learning journey."

Personalized Learning: "Today’s users demand a personalized learning experience that extends beyond the traditional classroom boundaries to include social networks of peers, evaluators, and even external experts. ePortfolio uses Web 2.0 standard interface components such as a dashboard, tagging, and inline help to engage users. Desire2Learn ePortfolio also allows users to control what goes into their portfolio, how items are organized, and when items are organized and presented. The user’s ability to publish anything within the ePortfolio creates a complete view of their learning journey. Assessments and comments using rubrics can be applied to any of the diverse artifacts, reflections, presentations, and collections within the ePortfolio to provide a comprehensive perspective of the learning journey."

Another podcast about the ePortfolio tool will be recorded tomorrow with Kenneth Chapman, lead developer at D2L.


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