Innovations in e-Education

The ITC eLearning 2009 annual conference begins in a few days in Portland, OR. At this event, we are running an advertisement in the conference program for the new service being offered by my employer, Lake Superior College. It is called Innovations in e-Education and it is all about customizing e-learning conference experiences by bringing presenters and a full schedule of sessions to your entire campus, rather than a few people traveling to the next tech conference.

The website is not nearly fully developed, but you can start to get a sense of the offerings for workshops, conferences, and consulting.

The basic idea is that you can bring in 2 or 3 key presenters, for 2 or 3 days at a time, add in some of your local presenters if desired, and have a fully immersive professional development opportunity right at your campus or in your local area. Most of the time it costs about $10,000 to send 3 to 5 people out of state to a conference. For the same cost you can bring a 2-day conference to you and engage 100 or more of your faculty and staff in a similar learning experience.

Contact me for more information. b dot dahl at lsc dot edu



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