Desire2Pod Cast 7: Ten Things

This particular podcast probably doesn't apply to anyone not affiliated with MnSCU.

Congratulations to Minnesota Online for receiving the Tekne Award for 2006. An awards ceremony was held on October 26, 2006 at the Minneapolis Convention Center. MnOnline will also be receiving an award on November 10 at the International CAEL Conference in Boston.

These awards are indicative of the good work that has been done since the inception of Minnesota Online about five years ago. Obviously, receiving these awards begs the question of why I am proposing that we need to make several changes to MnOnline and to the governing council. I have the pleasure of serving as the Chair of the MnOnline Council for the current academic year, which puts me in a precarious situation of being critical about the (award-winning) organization that I also support and am helping to lead into the future.

At the recent CAO/Dean/CSSO meetings (includes basically all academic and student services administrators within MnSCU) I made a presentation titled “Ten Things I’d Change about MnOnline.” I have uploaded the slides into SlideShare and embedded the presentation below. I have also recorded some audio to go along with the slides. Click “play” on the audio file and then listen to the audio for prompts to advance to each subsequent slide. (about 14 minutes)


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